OPC Interfaces

For a limited time our OPC solutions all come with some free consultancy to help you get you systems up and running as OPC and DCOM is notoriously difficult to get setup securely in lots of real world scenarios. Our experts have years of experience getting OPC Solutions setup in some of the more interesting corporate environments. Be that through firewalls, cross trusted (or un-trusted) Active Directory Domains in multi vendor projects.
OPC A&E (Alarm and Events)
Do you want to export your Alarm and Event data to a 3rd party system? Microsoft Excel? SQL Server? (or somewhere else?). Our OPE A&E client boast Store and Forward Capabilities so you never need to miss and event again. Give us a call to discuss your requirements 0800 4118411 or drop us a email [email protected]
OPC DA (Data Access)
Do you want do gain direct access to your data? Have it stored in SQL Server, or some other database? Be analysed and the results fed into another system? Give us a call to discuss your requirements 0800 4118411 or drop us a email [email protected]
OPC HDA (Historical Data Access)
Do you want do gain direct access to your data? Have it stored in SQL Server, or some other database? Be analysed and the results fed into another system? Give us a call to discuss your requirements 0800 4118411 or drop us a email [email protected]
Bespoke Requirement(s)?
We also offer bespoke solutions, should you have some none-standard requirements. Give us a call to discuss your requirements, there is no obligation and we'll even pay for the call! 0800 4118411 or drop us a email [email protected]
Our OPC AE Client offer throughout May
For every license for the Industrial Thinking OPC AE client purchased we will provide an Engineer free of charge to assist in the secure configuration of this interface. Site visits will carry an expenses only charge at cost but remote access and telephone support are free of charge.
If you would like to benefit from this limited offer then please get in touch on 0800 4118411 or drop us a email [email protected]